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A Taste of “One Thousand Wells”

Co-founder Jena Lee Nardella’s memoir, “One Thousand Wells,” is being released August 25, but we have a sample for you right now! Read the first chapter Can’t wait to read the rest? “One Thousand Wells” is available for pre-order now! Be among the first to get your copy when the book is released by ordering…

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Throwback Thursday

In honor of Co-founder Jena Lee Nardella’s first book, “One Thousand Wells,” being released in August, we’re taking it back to the very early days of Blood:Water for this #throwbackthursday! Check out this photo of Jena with the Jars of Clay guys during the days when Jena joined them on the tour bus as they…

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Photo Friday: One Thousand Wells

Yesterday we announced our co-founder, Jena Lee Nardella, will be releasing her memoir, “One Thousand Wells,” August 25. The book is available for pre-order here. So today’s #PhotoFriday pulls a quote from the first chapter of her book, which is available for free here. Jena’s memoir is about her journey of compassion, growing up with…

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An Incredible Night for Africa

Last Tuesday, we hit the road with Show Hope for the sixth annual Hope in the Dark event in Knoxville, Tenn. As Miss East Tennessee Lexi White put it, it was a night “full of hope, promise, and joy. The Holy Spirit was present in every moment!” We were fortunate to hear from Mike Hamilton,…

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Dig Deeper with Us

Building a community that works together to address the HIV/AIDS and water crises is the main tenet of the work we do in Africa. But building community isn’t something that stops in Africa; it is something that we strive to do here in the states as well. In order to do that, we try to…

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