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Same As It Ever Was?

Blood:Water team members walking through an African village

Written by: Dan Haseltine I recently had the privilege of attending a screening of what film critics have collectively agreed is the greatest concert film of all time. No, it wasn’t the Taylor Swift Eras Concert, ha! It was a film I had seen a few times before, but not on a big screen, and…

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What Launching World Impact in $40 Million Looks Like

If you’ve had the chance to read our newsletter last October, you saw our announcement that we had reached the stupendous milestone of raising $40 million since the beginning of our organization. Seventeen years ago, a Grammy Award-winning band had the audacious goal to help end two of the world’s greatest health crises. Joined by an incredibly passionate recent college graduate, they set out to do this by raising support all across the country, one person and one dollar at a time.

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​​What is Capacity Building? One Focus of Sustainable Development

One of the foundational elements of the Blood:Water model is organizational strengthening (OS): the capacity building processes our partners invest in to improve their institutional and technical capacities for the delivery of high-quality programs and efficacy of their missions. We started our OS program in 2015, and since then, we have already seen amazing strides in our partners’ growth and our ability to be a helpful resource for them in this area!

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Two Brothers: The Story of LWALA

Erastus Ochieng was a school teacher in Lwala, Kenya with a dream of building a local health clinic. Knowing personally how important HIV treatment was, he wanted others to receive this life-saving care before it was too late. Erastus passed away before the clinic was built. But his two sons knew that hey needed to continue fighting for their father’s vision.

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Human Rights are at the Core of Our Work

  Our work of partnering with grassroots African organizations to address the water and HIV/AIDS crises changes lives forever. We do it because we believe that everyone deserves access to basic human rights, no matter what circumstances they were born into. In this article, we will be exploring the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, how…

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COVID and HIV: An Update From The Global Community

Nadia Kist, Blood:Water’s Director of Africa Programs, recently attended the global AIDS conference where she learned that HIV and COVID-19 have an even greater overlap than previously expected. For starters, the fact that so many people require immediate attention adds a large burden to health systems around the globe, many of which are not even equipped for their existing needs. Coronavirus has presented a situation none of us expected or know what to expect from, so we are still learning how it will impact greater issues that were already being faced.

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