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Unexpected Blessings: An Intern Reflection

  “The place where God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger coincide.” — Frederick Buechner    A few summers ago I had the opportunity to intern for an organization in Nairobi, Kenya. After spending several months there, I thought I knew what to expect working within…

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Lasting Change: An Intern Reflection

  When my internship began last August, several members of the Blood:Water team were preparing for a trip to Africa for the Partner Summit in September. They returned weeks later with renewed passion for this organization’s mission, increased respect for our partners and their work, and beautiful photos and stories of our friends in Africa.…

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Be the Light

     Beginning with the end, this past weekend at the Murdock Vision and Call Retreat concluded with a session centered on the musical Hamilton, where we listened to songs and discussed the lyrics, unpacking phrases such as: Will they know what you overcame? Will they know you rewrote the game? The world will never…

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Meet Our New Vision & Call Interns!

  After saying goodbye to our summer interns, Caroline and Chase, we welcomed two new faces to the Blood:Water office! We can’t wait for you to get to know Casey Rice and Meredith Seymour over the next few months! For now, we asked them a few questions about what makes them special to help us introduce them…

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Choose Love Every Day: An Intern Reflection

  “I believe that to love well, we must choose love every day. I believe that the point of life is community: letting others transform us. I believe that our grief over wrongs can become a passion to make things right. And I believe that God is good.” — Jena Lee Nardella, “One Thousand Wells”…

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We Know What You Should Do Next Summer

Hey, students and young professionals: You should make a difference by interning at Blood:Water! While working in our Nashville office, you will get to know what it really takes to dedicate your day-to-day to a worthy cause. Plus, this is no ordinary (paid!) intern program; Vision & Call gives interns the opportunity to consider their vocational direction…

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Intern at Blood:Water and, In Turn, Make a Difference

Are you a student or young professional looking for a way to strengthen your vocational calling and make a difference? We are now accepting applications for both the fall 2017-spring 2018 and summer 2018 internship terms. Blood:Water is preparing for round two of the Vision & Call internship program, which mentors and equips young leaders in…

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Knowledge is Life, Not Books

Elimu ni maisha si vitabu. Knowledge is life, not books. This African proverb perfectly sums up how my experience in Africa, as a student and staff member with Houghton College’s Tanzania study abroad program, shaped why I am passionate about grassroots African development and why I believe in Blood:Water’s work. I could write forever on all…

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A Collective Vocational Space

“What is it that keeps you awake at night? What is it that gets you up in the morning?” The weekend began with these two deceptively simple questions, and the answers were anything but simple. Thinking through the things that consume our minds to the point where we want to stay awake or get out…

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