While we know that the prevalence of disease that comes from unsafe water is a serious hindrance to the livelihoods of so many people, something that is often overlooked is the importance of a hygienic and private bathroom.
AnneMarie is a 15-year-old from Ntaruka, Rwanda. And prior to her school’s partnership with our Rwandan partner MOUCECORE, she had to miss school because of her menstrual cycle, due to its lack of private and sanitary facilities.
Now, AnneMarie’s favorite addition to her school is the girl’s safe room. In this “beautiful room,” as AnneMarie calls it, she and her fellow female students can have their own space to access sanitary pads, a sink, a toilet that flushes, and even a shower and bed for girls with strenuous periods. Thanks to supporters like you, AnneMarie and other young women like her are no longer held back from continuing their studies simply because of their menstrual cycles.
AnneMarie’s last name is Tugirekurizera, meaning “to have faith.” When she grows up, she wants to work for MOUCECORE so that she can change others’ lives just as hers has been changed. She believes that she will be able to achieve her dreams and help people for a living – and with such a determined, hopeful spirit, we believe she will too!

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