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6 Steps to Save a Drink


Save a Drink, Save a Life™ officially kicks off tomorrow!
For the next 40 days, we will be giving up our favorite drinks and donating what we save so that 3,750 people in Africa will have clean water.

If you haven’t set up your page yet to join us, it’s really easy. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1

Visit and select GET STARTED.


Step 2

Select BECOME A FUNDRAISER and set up your account. You’ll just need to decide what drink you’re giving up so you can name your page and choose your fundraising goal.



Step 3

Customize your page with personal information about why this matters to you. The more you share, the more people will respond!


Step 4

Download our resources so you can easily update your social media to let your friends and family know you’re saving a drink. (Be sure to tag us on Facebook or Twitter any time you post – we want to keep up with your progress!)



Step 5

Give up that drink, and start replacing it with water!


Step 6

Donate what you save so 3,750 people in Africa can have access to safe, clean water.


And if you have any questions along the way, email Audrey at [email protected].

It’s as easy as that! So let’s all (not) raise our glasses, and Save a Drink™!

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