We know that it is easy to forget the Lord in the midst of all the busyness and chaos of everyday life, and difficult to feel the calm of His grace.
We hope that you will join us in praying for our goals as an organization and to seek God’s wisdom as we continue together to fight the HIV/AIDS and water crises.
We ask that you pray with us as we seek to grow together and affect more people than ever before :
We pray for continued strong, healthy partnerships on the ground in Africa and that we will learn together how to best impact our two promising new partners as they find solutions to the water and HIV/AIDS crises.
In 2020, we will continue to go even deeper into our model, not only providing funding for core support like wells, sanitation & hygiene facilities, and HIV/AIDS support. We hope to strengthen this support with a package of services around organizational strengthening and capacity building that helps to ensure our local partners are building a sustainable organization for the long-term, not just short-term relief.
We believe that real change happens at the community level, and this is just as important here in the United States. Our desire is to continue to develop and encourage new and creative ways that local community leaders in neighborhoods, schools, and churches across the US can engage their communities and join hands with our friends in Africa as together, we continue our fight.
Our Executive Director Jake Smith writes, “It’s very easy to make our own plans and then invite God along for the ride. However, it’s my daily hope and prayer that what will be said of Blood:Water is that we are an organization who prayerfully consults with the Lord about the work we are to do in the coming year. I pray that we seek His counsel first – because if we don’t, no matter what successes we may have, they will all be in vain.”
Thank you for your faithful support of our mission and for joining us in prayer to seek God’s guidance for this coming year. We are so grateful for all the ways He has blessed us thus far and are so excited to see what is to come in 2020!

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