Three years ago, we began hosting an annual Partner Summit, where we gather representatives from each of our partner organizations for a week of collaborative learning. Through training and peer learning sessions, our partners have the opportunity to strengthen and encourage one another as they share their ideas, experiences, and victories.
“Thank the Lord for choosing us to do this work, at such a time as this. God could choose anyone else, but he chose us. He knows that we will play a part, and he knows it is important.”
Morris’ words perfectly sum up the feeling and overall mood of this year’s Partner Summit. The aura of the summit was encompassed by a thankfulness that God has brought Blood:Water and all of our partners together, the recognition that He has called us to do the work we are doing, and the understanding that this work is important and not to be taken lightly.
As I spent time with the incredible people who make up our partner organizations, the Partner Summit became a vehicle for the continual realization that our partners truly are the hidden heroes of Africa, and they are creating change in a way that will be felt in communities for an infinite time.
The first day of the summit was centered on introductions to one another and Blood:Water’s systems, tools, and opportunities for our partners, and it was evident from the start that the room was in this journey together. There was no shortage of questions, communal advice, and critical conversations, which tangibly represented our theme for the week, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Look for Part II on Friday!

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