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Njira Impact

Reducing new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths in eastern Malawi.

Njira Impact + Blood:Water Partnership

In partnership with Blood;Water, Njira Impact (previously known as FOCCAD) serves the Nkhotakota and Kachere communities within the Dedza district of Malawi, along with bordering communities. These communities have a high prevalence of HIV. They work primarily with young women and their children, as well as with children who have lost one or both parents to HIV-related illnesses. 

The goal of the current project with Blood:Water is to radically change the lives of 3,840 young women and adolescent girls as well as 784 orphans and vulnerable children (OVC)* by reducing new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths. Njira Impact will accomplish this by: 

  • Increasing access to HIV prevention and testing for 3,480 young women and their families 
  • Providing comprehensive HIV palliative care and support to 150 HIV-positive mothers and 784 orphans and vulnerable children through economic empowerment, HIV treatment adherence, and retention.

*OVC (orphaned and/or vulnerable children) refers to children who have lost their parents – or are at risk of losing one or both parents – to HIV-related illness

Women and babies accessing preventive health care

Health Context

Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Malawi face a myriad of challenges that have an impact on sustainable development in Malawi. AGYW are facing generational cycles of gender inequality, poverty and economic dependence, systemically limiting their opportunities in adulthood while some are OVC and this exacerbate their vulnerability to HIV infections. While the national HIV and AIDs prevalence rate stands at 8.5%; 33% of the new infections in adult is among the AGYW aged 15-24 years.

Partner History

Njira Impact is a community-based, non-governmental organization currently working in the Dedza district and other regions of Malawi to bridge the gap to HIV treatment, care, and support. Founded in 2003, their mission is to alleviate human suffering from disease, hunger, poverty, and social injustice by creating and implementing participatory and sustainable health solutions. They changed their name from FOCCAD in 2025.

Njira Impact delivers grassroots programming in hard-to-reach and underserved communities in Malawi. The organization improves the health and livelihoods of young adults, women, and children in Malawi by providing communities with emergency medical transportation and support, as well as through outreach-based health service delivery. 

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Partnership Timeline: Second grant cycle (partnership started in 2022)

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