Some days, I’m overwhelmed. Africa just seems so far away. The faces of those I’ve met are clouded by the to-do lists and the often-urgent demands of the day. It’s hard to know where to begin. It’s hard to know if I can really make a difference when I can barely get through my inbox.
Then, almost on queue, I see a photo or hear a story from one of our partners in Africa about the lives once plagued by the HIV/AIDS and water crises now changed through the generosity of others, and I’m quickly reminded that I am not the solution alone. I have a role in the process, but I can’t (and won’t) do it by myself. It really does take all of us – and we all have different parts to play. The only thing that prevents the different parts from working is our willingness to take the first step and being open to listening and collaborating with the voices of others.
Next month, we will be joining our friends World Vision, Food for the Hungry, Water4 and Living Water International in Washington, D.C. to share our practices and invite others to learn how they can be a part of the solution. By using our talents and resources, we can be a voice for those who have yet to be heard. While in D.C., we will also have the opportunity to engage with international leaders, in an effort to gain their support for our fight in Africa. Again, we all have a role. We all have a responsibility.
We won’t solve it all, but it’s a step in the right direction. It’s more than just a drop in the bucket.
Join us.
H20:DC: More than a drop in the bucket.
(with a special performance by Jars Of Clay)
March 12-13, 2014
For more information, visit
What role do you see yourself playing in ending the HIV/AIDS and water crises?

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