Believe it or not, Mother’s Day is just about a month away. And, you may not be thinking about what to get your mom just yet, but we at Blood:Water always have moms on our minds. As we work with our partners in Africa to bring an end to the HIV/AIDS crisis, we have to look to the moms.
You see, it’s all too easy for a mother to pass the HIV virus onto her unborn child and prolong the crisis through future generations. But, with the right medical care, HIV can be stopped in its tracks and not passed onto children. This Mother’s Day, we are encouraging you to help stop the spread of HIV by donating to our Circle of Life campaign on behalf and in honor of your own mother. Donations will go to the care of a pregnant women to ensure her child does not contract the HIV virus-giving her baby the gift of life. Your mother will then receive a gift box and book with a special quote about her from you printed inside.
Your donations are helping women like Jackline.
Four years ago Jackline and her husband Joseph found out they are both HIV-positive. Thanks to the work of our partners on the ground in Kenya and donors like you, the husband and wife are both able to seek treatment at the Lwala Community Hospital near their home. When Jackline became pregnant, the medical staff equipped her with the education and practices she would need to keep her baby free of HIV. Today, she and Joseph have two children together, both healthy, happy and HIV free.
For more information, visit Circle of Life.

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