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Meet Lily Katherine, Our Lemon:Aid All Star


Meet Lily Katherine.

Since beginning her Lemon:Aid journey, she has raised over $2,000 for clean water in Africa and breezed past her original fundraising goal of $1,500. Considering Lily Katherine had to stand on a box to reach the counter of her Lemon:Aid stand, that is a large feat for a small girl.

Don’t let her size fool you though, she joined the fight to end the water crisis in Africa in 2013 and has not backed down since. She stands tall as the most successful Lemon:Aid fundraiser Blood:Water has ever had!

If you would like to join Lily Katherine this summer and create your own stand to help our friends in Africa, you can get started at here. Just follow the instructions to create your fundraising page, and order your Lemon:Aid kit!

Don’t forget to to encourage your family and friends to donate. Creating a page is also a great way for the Blood:Water team to cheer you on as your page progresses!

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