Since launching Be the Movement in May of last year you have raised over $25,000! What an incredible accomplishment! It has been a blessing and an honor to watch you raise money for our friends in Africa, so much so that I wanted to take a little time to review some of my personal favorite fundraisers!
Here is the basic premise of becoming a Be the Movement fundraiser:
- Come up with a cool idea.
- Set a fundraising goal, the bigger the better!
- Sign up at
- Get the word out on social media.
- Watch the money roll in and lives change in Africa.
It is that simple! So without any further adieu, here are my top 10:
- Carrie Jobe and her art fundraiser. Carrie said, “I’m continually thinking about the visual impact of my artwork, but recently I’ve been interested in using my work to impact social needs as well.”
- Dan Haseltine and his sons soccer team fundraiser. People donated based on the number of goals they scored!
- Michael Dean would literally “Flock” anyones yard with fake pink flamingo’s if you donated to his page!
- Brad Pfister and his amazing amps! Brad builds beautiful ampls for worship and donates 10 percent of his profits to Blood:Water!
- Emily Heeres and the Toledo water crises page called #emptyglasscity. Emily raised funds for clean water in Africa despite the fact that she was living with dirty water in Toledo.
- On August 23, Sarah Stanley ran an ultramarathon, 100 miles, to celebrate her birthday. She used that platform to raise money for Africa!
- Sally Kuhn, a Nashville native, raced for 40 miles in triathlons to raise over $3,500 for Africa!
- Our good friend, Dave Umphress, donates 10 percent from his real estate business to clean water in Africa!
- Our bowling friend Kelly Speckhart and her friends donate to Blood:Water based on how they bowl!
- Elsie Dippenaar and her Vine Drops Project crushed her $500 goal by raising money through the popular seven second social media Vine!
Thank you everyone who participated in 2014! We love all of our fundraisers! We can’t wait to see the amazing ideas you come up with in 2015. To make your own move, click here.
Pssst…we will also be announcing our Be the Movement Win a trip to Africa contest winner later this month!

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