Our UNC interns are having quite the experience in Uganda. Here’s their Top 10 list of ‘Funny Things that Happen When You are in Uganda.”
- When you are on a long road trip and your driver is talking about how dangerous it is to pick up hitchhikers, then pauses mid-sentence to pick up a nun in full habit.
- When your boss tries your pasta salad and thinks it is rotten.
- When peanut butter is a key ingredient in stewed greens.
- When you go out to eat and instead of asking for your number, men ask if they can touch your hair.
- When two inches is a “small bug.”
- When you take your “clean” clothes off the line and they have bird droppings on them.
- When you tell the cook that guacamole is eaten with chips and she starts deep frying potatoes to make British “chips!”
- When you discover your underwear is on inside out because you got dressed by flashlight the night before.
- When you hear a crashing noise and see that it is a chicken falling out of a tree.
- When you are running for exercise and someone asks whether you are lost, then screams, “Welcome to Africa!” as you continue on your way.

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