“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
This African proverb rings true across culture and context. It applies to businesses, nonprofit organizations, churches, and the very social fabric of our lives. Blood:Water feels the gravitational pull of a go-quickly mentality every day in our work. After all, the water and HIV/AIDS crises are urgent, with human life hanging in the balance. Yet, we want the decisions and work of today to have a substantial impact spanning generations.
Partnering with local organizations who are selflessly serving communities across Sub-Saharan Africa is one of Blood:Water’s great privileges and the key to achieving substantial impact. These organizations are birthed out of unique stories and situations, and each strives toward similar goals. They all feel the same daily impulses to go quickly and far. Though most are separated by hundreds of miles, serving distinctive cultures and environments, our partners have so much to offer to one another and to us.
The opportunity to gather leaders from all of our partners for a time of shared learning and community building is vital to our continued progress as mutual organizations, so in 2015, Blood:Water held its inaugural Partner Summit in Nairobi, Kenya. We were inspired by the important and heroic work our partners do every day at the community level. Their shared enthusiasm for the time to learn and grow together solidified the decision to make a yearly summit a priority.
Go together is both a reference to unity formed by human connection and a spiritual statement. We go with God, in His timing and His ways because His power is far beyond the capability of any person, and even all of us together. As we go together with God and our partners, you are a part of the work too! When you read and reflect on the stories in this newsletter, join us in kingdom prayer and engage your family, friends, and community in the work of Blood:Water so we can go far, together.

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