Our Partners
We’re Over Halfway to Our Back to School Goal!
The school year is in full swing! And so far, we’ve ensured 345 kids will have clean water in their classrooms. That means we are well over halfway to completing our goal of sending 500 kids in Malawi…
Ethiopia ACT: Strengthening Communities One Person at a Time
Blood:Water has partnered with Ethiopia ACT in its mission to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS and to create strong, healthy families since 2013. In addition to providing public health services, and educational and psychological support for vulnerable…
Let’s Send 500 Kids Back to School with Clean Water!
It’s the first day of August, and summer is coming to a close! That means kids are heading back to school and starting a new year of learning. Soon, you will start checking items off of your…
HIV/AIDS + WASH = A “Lucky” Combination
At Blood:Water, our mission is to partner with African grassroots organizations to address both the water and HIV/AIDS crises. Even when we partner with an organization to address only water, for example, we concentrate our efforts in…
Revealing Hope for the Future
Negesti’s greatest desire is to care for her daughter, Metasebiyo. But there was a time she feared that wasn’t possible. When Metasebiyo was 10 years old, Negesti learned that she was HIV-positive. Without family nearby, she…
We’re Bringing YOU into Uganda
Every year in sub-Saharan Africa, 40 billion hours are spent, mostly by women and children, walking to collect water. Blood:Water is entering into new partnerships with two organizations in Uganda to address this issue in the communities where…
Photo Friday: YOUganda
Where do you go to get water? In Katobo, Uganda, the 350 children who attend Kakindo primary school gather water at the closest source available, pictured in the photo above. Today, Wally, from The Wally Show, is on…
Champion for Clean Water
The muscles in my back strain as I stand back up and wipe the sweat from my forehead. Even though the sun has only begun to peek out, the heat gets to me and my knees feel…
MOUCECORE: Mobilizing Communities for Holistic Transformation
Blood:Water has partnered with MOUCECORE in its mission to bring about transformation at the community level in Rwanda since 2009. Working through solidarity transformation groups that grow out of the local church, MOUCECORE mobilizes communities to bring…
PART II: What Makes Blood:Water Different
In a two-part blog, Blood:Water founder and senior development officer, Dan Haseltine, shares what makes Blood:Water so unique in the way it works. If you missed the first part, you can read it here. PART II: WHAT MAKES…