Our Partners
COVID-19 Is New. The Impact Is Not.
The societal impact that COVID-19 has had gives us a rare opportunity to personally empathize with our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world who have not had access to good health care, clean water, and proper sanitation facilities for years. As sub-Saharan Africa currently holds almost 50% of the global burden of the water crisis and almost 70% of the global burden of HIV, it is a highly vulnerable area – which is why we partner with grassroots organizations on the ground in that region.
World Water Day: The Story of Chifenthe Preschool (Part 2)
For Chikalema to have a well to draw drinking water from rather than the unclean rivers is hard to believe,” the Village Headwoman declares. “Now that we have a well, I am very confident that the community will take care of it since it is the only good source of clean and safe water… This well will save lives in my village.”
A Tale of Two Viruses – Coronavirus and HIV
Today we find ourselves in a unique space. Over the last few weeks and months, we have wandered into a “new” environment. It is not new to everyone. And I hope we can explore this newish place together because I think we can both learn something and grow something in the midst of this new experience together.
Prayers for 2020
We know that it is easy to forget the Lord in the midst of all the busyness and chaos of everyday life, and difficult to feel the calm of His grace. We hope that you will join…
88% Are Without Clean Water
Six out of ten people living in the Mitanya and Mubende districts of Uganda are plagued by diseases like malaria, typhoid, and cholera. All of these illnesses can be directly attributed to a lack of access to safe, clean water and sanitation facilities.
She’s Safe Here
While we know that the prevalence of disease that comes from unsafe water is a serious hindrance to the livelihoods of so many people, something that is often overlooked is the importance of a hygienic and private…
A Ugandan Village Now Has Safe Water!
Through the generosity of friends like you, people living in one of the highest water-stressed areas in Uganda now have access to clean water. This subcounty – Bwambara – has long been a major danger zone for…
You’re Pouring Hope Into People Like Sarah
It was a small act done with ‘great love’ I don’t like the word impossible. I’ve seen and experienced enough of life’s abrupt plot twists and miraculous moments to give myself the freedom to remove such an…
The Childhood He Deserves
Migisha used to travel twice a day up and down a mountainside on his mother’s hip or back while she collected water from a spring that is situated an hour walk below her village.
Prayer Request: Attack in Nairobi
Pray for Africa – and the partners who risk their safety to serve others. Blood:Water is blessed to partner with the most amazing people in the world. But they can only be effective in shaping the future…