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COVID and HIV: An Update From The Global Community

Nadia Kist, Blood:Water’s Director of Africa Programs, recently attended the global AIDS conference where she learned that HIV and COVID-19 have an even greater overlap than previously expected. For starters, the fact that so many people require immediate attention adds a large burden to health systems around the globe, many of which are not even equipped for their existing needs. Coronavirus has presented a situation none of us expected or know what to expect from, so we are still learning how it will impact greater issues that were already being faced.


Her Whole Life Was Transformed

If we need any proof that long-lasting change is capable through our love and commitment to helping one another, Anna is a standing testament that miracles do happen.


The Experts Are Not Who You Think

The question that should pop up in your brain at this point is, “Has the international development community largely operated without elevating the importance and integral role of local expertise?” And the answer to your question is a resounding and painful, “yes.”


On The Frontlines In Uganda, Our Partner Is Taking Action

While COVID-19 still presents a serious threat to them and the people they serve, our partners have been proactively fighting to contain the disease in their corners of the world. And we are excited to highlight the efforts of one such partner to show you how, despite all of our current challenges, we can still band together to help. Partners for Community Transformation (PaCT) has been one of Uganda’s leaders in health for some time now, and they are going above and beyond to proactively address this new pandemic.


We Take It For Granted, But It’s Saving Our Lives

How many sinks in kitchens and bathrooms have that long forgotten bottle of hand sanitizer or hand soap tucked in a dark corner? Is there dish soap somewhere near a dishwasher? Is there body wash and shampoo in a shower? How many bottles in how many showers? If it was truly a life and death situation, how far would you need to go in order to gain access to the soap you needed?


COVID-19 Is New. The Impact Is Not.

The societal impact that COVID-19 has had gives us a rare opportunity to personally empathize with our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world who have not had access to good health care, clean water, and proper sanitation facilities for years. As sub-Saharan Africa currently holds almost 50% of the global burden of the water crisis and almost 70% of the global burden of HIV, it is a highly vulnerable area – which is why we partner with grassroots organizations on the ground in that region.


A Tale of Two Viruses – Coronavirus and HIV

Today we find ourselves in a unique space. Over the last few weeks and months, we have wandered into a “new” environment. It is not new to everyone. And I hope we can explore this newish place together because I think we can both learn something and grow something in the midst of this new experience together.


Antanazio’s Story

“I am Antanazio Debwe. I am 48 years old. I am married, and I have three children and four grandchildren. I was born into a family that had 10 children. I was the seventh-born. We are all alive.


Check Out Our Partner, COPRED!

  In partnership with COPRED, Blood:Water has committed to contributing to the improvement of personal and family hygiene, sanitation, early childhood development, and HIV/AIDS prevention and care in the Neno District of Malawi. Through organizational strengthening, Blood:Water empowers…


The Heart of Giving: Community:Builder Stories (Part II)

  Read Part I Dave Vercellino About ten years ago, the Lord just broke my heart for those who lack clean water. My family won’t even drink from a water bottle left overnight in the car or on…


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