January is coming to a close! Are your New Year’s resolutions off to a good start? Or are you in need of a jolt of motivation? Well, Blood:Water has a plan…
We think you should take your “new year, new you” attempts and turn them into a creative way to help bring clean water to Africa!
For example, let’s say your resolution is to exercise three times a week in 2017–with a Blood:Water booster, you can turn your workouts into a fundraiser for Africa! You can stay accountable by creating a Be the Movement fundraising page and asking your friends and family to donate a dollar for every mile you run, pound you lose, or meal you prepare. This plan not only gives you the motivation you need to stay on the right track (pun intended) with your health, but also impacts the lives of our friends in Africa!
Be creative! This motivator does not only apply to diet and exercise inspired resolutions. A great example of a New Year’s challenge gone right is our dedicated fundraiser, Sadie, who has pledged to do a cartwheel for clean water every single day in 2017. She’s already raised over $1,000 in less than a month with the help of her friends and family, who are inspired by her creativity and heart for change! (We suggest you follow her progress on Instagram, @cleanwatercartwheels, and prepare yourself for a daily dose of awesome.)
We definitely know how hard it is to stick with it. We also know that sometimes plans change, and resolutions go out the window! You can give in (no judgment here), but don’t let it go! Why not donate a dollar for every day you didn’t follow through with your resolution? You can even find a friend who also has a seat on the struggle bus to join in and match your donation!
Whatever the status of your New Year’s resolutions, we want you to be part of the movement to end the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa. Visit makemymove.org to create your very own Blood:Water fundraising page, or shoot me an email at [email protected], and we can talk ideas that fit your 2017 #goals!

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