Read below to learn more about Jake Smith, Blood:Water’s new Executive Director!
Q: Jake, welcome back to Blood:Water! We’re so glad you’re coming back. What have you been up to in the meantime?
A: Most recently, I served as the U.S. Director of Operations for a partner of Blood:Water called Ethiopia ACT. I’m grateful for that experience because it will help me better serve our partners so together we can see lasting change and empower African communities that need clean water and help dealing with HIV/AIDS.
Q: What’s your vision for the future of Blood:Water?
A: Above all, I want to build strong relationships between partners, supporters, and staff, ensuring that everything we communicate is filtered through our values: community, responsibility, integrity, dignity, and teachability. If we can do that, there’s no limit to the transformation we will see in both the lives of families here and families in Africa!
Q: Please tell us a little about your family.
A: My wife, Caroline, and I have two young boys, Boone and Huck. Most of our free time is spent exploring outdoors, trying to tire out these kids with their seemingly endless energy. We have a number of Blood:Water supporters who raise funds through outdoor adventure, like biking or running. I’m hoping to match them mile for mile!
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