Read Part I
Dave Vercellino
About ten years ago, the Lord just broke my heart for those who lack clean water. My family won’t even drink from a water bottle left overnight in the car or on the counter, but people who God loves are drinking from ditches and other polluted streams. Tens of thousands of children are dying from preventable diseases. This should not be. I made a decision at that time to make a substantial investment in clean water.
Somewhere I had read or heard that certain types of wells could be drilled for about $1,500, so I resolved to donate enough for one well each year (I know some wells can also cost many thousands of dollars). I thought, “Wouldn’t it be great to look back over my life and have a legacy of 30… 40… 50 wells?” Soon after my decision, the financial crisis of 2008 hit, and my resolve was tested. I’m an associate pastor at a church, and I have seven kids. Our income was heavily subsidized by investments that were then devastated. But I stuck with it, and the Lord has graciously provided for us.
Aaron Hartley
Simply put, I know a monthly donation to Blood:Water is an investment in changing people’s lives through improving living conditions for those in need. It’s easy to contribute to a charity, but it’s not always easy to understand what is being accomplished with your funds. By donating monthly, I feel my funds are having a direct impact on improving people’s lives.
Ali & Bob Shenk
In 2005, we went on a mission trip to Kenya with our church. We knew people would be in need, but what amazed us most was how basic the needs were. Among them: clean water and HIV/AIDS counseling. When we returned, we knew we had to stay connected with Africa and continue to help in these much-needed areas. We learned about Blood:Water through Jars of Clay, and when we looked more into the organization, we knew this was the place to focus our resources. This is why we continue to give every month, and we encourage you to do the same!

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