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Tomorrow is World Toilet Day!

We want you to take action tomorrow on World Toilet Day to help provide access to latrines for communities in Africa! Access to a latrine greatly increases sanitation and hygiene practices that are so important to the health and development of a community. You can make a difference on World Toilet Day by giving the…

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Blood:Water Book Club: “Visions of Vocation,” Part 2

For today’s Blood:Water Book Club, we will review chapters 4-5 of Visions of Vocation by Steve Garber. Summary: “Knowing what I know, having heard what I’ve heard, having read what I’ve read, what am I going to do?” (82) Implication is not just an acknowledgment of a situation in your mind, but recognizing your calling and…

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Music Monday: Leigh Nash and Matthew Perryman Jones

Can you believe that it is already mid-November!? We have had some amazing artists collaborate with us, and some that have even rolled through the Blood:Water office to play a few songs!   From Sandra McCracken and Brady Toops to Greg Holden and Sufjan Stevens to our very own Joey Maloney, we have been enjoying…

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Blood:Water Book Club: “Visions of Vocation,” Part 1

For today’s Blood:Water Book Club, we will review chapters 1-3 of Visions of Vocation by Steve Garber. visions-of-vocation Summary: Any understanding of vocation begins with paying attention, with having eyes that see with the heart. The world around us has moments that are outrageous, that pierce the soul, that bring tears of sorrow, grief, anger, or…

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Photo Friday: Partner Instagram Competition

“Technology is best when it brings people together.” -Matt Mullenweg, Social Entrepreneur. More than ever before, we are able to bring in the moment pictures from Africa to you. You’re probably thinking, well, businesses have been able to do that for over a decade now thanks to Skype, Facebook, Instagram, you name it. But for our…

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Throwback Thursday

We are throwing it back today — not once, but twice. The picture on the left shows how a community in Twapia, Zambia, used to retrieve their drinking water. The picture on the right shows why they no longer have to do that. And thanks to our partners in Zambia, their well is maintained, and…

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Blood:Water Book Club: New Month, New Book

If you haven’t heard, we’ve started a Blood:Water book club! Each month, we’ll choose a book that has somehow shaped what we know as an organization, that relates to our work, or that provides inspiration. (We’re also open to suggestions, so if you have a great recommendation, please let us know!) As we read through…

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One Month Left Till Red Tie Gala

As we head into the holiday season, we prepare for our fourth annual Red Tie Gala, which is just about one month away. Returning to the Country Music Hall of Fame, we expect about 500 local, regional, and national supporters of Blood:Water to gather together and reflect upon the work we have done this year…

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