Through the generosity of friends like you, people living in one of the highest water-stressed areas in Uganda now have access to clean water.
This subcounty – Bwambara – has long been a major danger zone for waterborne diseases such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid, and malaria. There’s also been a major lack of education on healthy hygiene practices.
Rushaya, a village leader, explains, “People depended on surface water, springs, or the nearby river for water to cook, clean, and bathe with. The village was also sharing water with animals from the adjacent forest, which was extremely dangerous because these animals could harm the women and children gathering water at the river.”
Your gifts made it possible to protect a local spring that was previously contaminated and commonly used as an open water source. Our partner, Literacy Action and Development Agency (LADA), used their expertise and knowledge of the community to address the great need.
Training on sanitation and hygiene was also provided to village members, which they greatly appreciated because they had never been educated on essential health care before.
As a result of the spring protection and the training, 360 individuals and 60 households have access to clean water now, and rates of disease have greatly decreased in the village.
“We suffered a lot from the dirty water we were consuming,” said Mwesigwa Peace, a member of the community. “It’s a great pleasure to have a protected water source. I hope to see more and more people in good health, free from waterborne illnesses.”
Thank you for helping provide water, sanitation, and hygiene to this water-stressed village in Uganda. You’ve enriched the daily lives of hundreds of people and made it possible for this community to flourish in the future!

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