The number forty pops up many times throughout the Bible. Moses spent forty days on Mt. Sinai talking to God. The Great Flood lasted forty days and nights until Noah emerged again to God’s creation. Elijah spent forty days walking to Mount Horeb, and Jonah gave the city of Nineveh forty days to repent. For forty years, the Hebrews wandered in the desert searching for the Promised Land.
The forty days of Lent leading up to Easter also carry significance, symbolizing the forty days Jesus spent in the desert resisting temptation. Many choose to fast from food, add on another activity, or give away something entirely to remember this season and strengthen their faith. Many also take this time to focus especially on prayer, and you can see our key prayer points for 2020.
This year, we ask you to join us again in our 40 Days of Water campaign. We invite you to give up all beverages other than water, not only in order to greater understand Jesus’ sacrifice but also to relate to how important water is in the lives of every individual in the world.
In countries with limited access to clean water, most women and children begin their days by taking empty jerry cans and water jugs to their closest water source. In many areas, these journeys can be 5, 10, and even 20 miles long. After hours of walking, these women will typically have to wait in line for several more hours to fill up their containers and carry them the long distance home. In addition to being time consuming, the long walk can be dangerous. And instead of starting their days at school, many children are also needed on these long journeys to help carry water for their family.
By donating the money you save by foregoing your morning coffee or tea, you can make a big difference in the lives of men, women, and children in sub-Saharan Africa who don’t have access to clean water. $40 gives one person access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene for life, so just imagine the difference you can make!
Any kind of sacrifice is difficult (believe us, we know!). But as we give thanks to God for all that he has blessed us with, we invite you to join with us in extending his grace by helping others in need.
We hope that you will join us in this difficult but impactful journey. Even if you just give up soda, reduce coffee, or give away the cost of every beer you drink, you will be making a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Africa and equipping our partners to continue their life-changing work. We are so grateful for your support and can’t wait to see how many lives we are able to change together this Lenten season.

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