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Partner Exchange Visit Application

Applying for a Partner Exchange Visit:

To support the peer exchange and learning among partners Blood:Water has instituted the Partner Exchange Visits as a funded component of our Technical Services. The Partner Exchange Visits aim to support inter-organizational technical and organizational learning, networking and development. Leveraging off of exposure created at the Partner Summit, partners can apply for an Exchange Visit to visit another Blood:Water Partner, current or alumni with funding up to but not exceeding 2,500 USD to cover costs associated with the visit. This includes transportation, accommodations, meals/per-diem, incidental expenses and visas if required.  Too apply for this service, the following instructions aim to support you in successfully pursuing this funded activity:

  1. Identify the need or purpose of the visit:
    What areas of learning are important for your organization to cultivate? Is there a programmatic, organizational or contextual justification that is important for your organization that needs to be explored? If so, clarify this for your self and in preparation for the application submission. Being able to justify the visit will be evaluated as part of the competitive process.
  2. Identify if this need or purpose can be met by a current or alumni Blood:Water partner: Based on your knowledge of the network of Blood:Water partners, is this need or purpose of an exchange visit feasible within the partnerships? If so, you will be required to initiate the discussion with the partner directly. Blood:Water does not. In advance of the application submission,communicate with the organization directly and begin discussions on your interest to visit and learn from and with them. Be sure to discuss objectives, who is likely to be involved and what timeframe is preferred. Mutually come to an agreement on these things. They will need to approve the scope of the visit and dates of the proposed visit as submitted in the application to BW in advance, which indicates also that the application was reviewed and accepted by them as the receiving partner. 

NB: For partner organizations receiving invitation requests: the purpose of the invitation letter is to verify that you have reviewed the visit application proposal and in doing so approve the scope of the visit, what it will require from your team to share learning and approve on the dates of the visit. If you do not approve of what is proposed, either work with the partner to mutually agreeable visit details or decline.

  • Think through the Budget and Plan:
    Now that you have the justification, the partner. Request and attach quotations for flights, ground transport, accommodations as the major costs. Take into consideration any COVID-19 related precautions and costs that need to be included in planning. Failure to provide supporting documentation validating the costs will be considered an incomplete application. For Meals use the following rates: 

    • Rural city: 30$ per day
    • Urban city: 50$ per day 
  1. Submit an application form
    If you have done the first three steps, the hard work is done. Collect your supporting documentation and prepare the short application template for submission and review by the B:W team, as per the dates/deadlines provided. Email with pdf attachments to [email protected]

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Recommended Staff to Visit
[1 learning objective required, maximum of 3, in bullets]
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