The Equitable Evaluation Framework
The Equitable Evaluation Framework™ (EEF) promotes alignment between values, intentions, and practices, particularly within the U.S. philanthropic sector. It encourages intentional examination of axiology (values), ontology (beliefs about reality), and epistemology (definitions of evidence and knowledge). By expanding traditional notions of validity, objectivity, and rigor, EEF embraces complexity and inclusivity.
Publication Year:
Source | Publisher:
Equitable Evaluation Initiative
Best Suited For:
Executive Leadership, Programs Team
Staff Support & Performance
Social service programs depend heavily on the relationships between staff and service participants, making staff support critical to service quality. When staff feel supported professionally, personally, and financially, they are more motivated and effective in…
The Africa Funding Landscape: A Profile of Funders Focused on Africa and Perspectives on the Field
Created by Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group (AGAG), the report examines Africa funders’ grantmaking priorities, how their organizations structure their funding focused on Africa, the role of collaboration in their funding, potential impediments to achieving their…