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Technical Briefs


Engaging Men and Boys for Gender – Transformative WASH


Engaging men and boys is an exciting development in the WASH space; for too long our efforts to transform gender inequality focused too narrowly on women and girls, constraining our options to only half of the potential allies, change-makers, innovators, and leaders to tackle this problem hindered our progress and unfairly placed the responsibility for change solely on women. The publication takes a relational perspective, integrating efforts to empower women and girls, and applies an intersectional lens to address different power dynamics and social inequalities among men. It highlights how involving men and boys can create awareness of other inequalities and garner their support in addressing them, emphasizing gender equality and social inclusion, including issues related to gender-based violence, disability, and sexual and gender minority communities. 

This edition draws on literature, expert insights, and programmatic experiences to enhance the engagement of men and boys in WASH, benefiting those involved in both general and specialized work in this field.

Publication Year:


Source | Publisher:

The Sanitation Learning Hub

Best Suited For:

Frontline Personnel, Programs Team



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